Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Every year I decide that I want to increase my reading...I love reading but am a very slow reader. I read every line in a book and cannot just skip over pages. I love the words that jump out of the book...

Recently I noticed that my daughter has taken to reading as well...in her own language, she will pretend to read...but at her age I think it is great to see her enjoy the books that we got her. She is still at the stage of enjoying pictures and sometimes tearing up the books but when she decides that she is going to read, she will actually hold on to a book for some time.

I guess she also observes my husband and I and how we are constantly reading something...a magazine or the newspaper or even a book. I hope our love for reading will flow in her veins as well and as they say...the coconut fall very near the tree..and so we hope to cultivate such habits in our daughter...I guess that's life and we always hope for the best...


Anonymous said...

I am slow in reading too..

God's Little Angel said...

I thought I was one kind of very slow type. REading any kind of thing, I'm slow but i like reading anything aspecially megazines.