Thursday, January 04, 2007

Walk Ways...

On a recent to Perth and Singapore with my family, I realized how easy it was to push my daughter around in her stroller in these two countries. I could easily take her in the trains and buses, park her stroller , then get down and continue pushing the stroller on the wide walk ways and pedestrian side walk.

I did not have to worry about steps as there are ready ramps and slopes that were easy to manage. We went everywhere with her and she enjoyed the sights and sound as much as we did.

When we reached a Zebra Crossing, cars would stop for us, but we being Malaysians and very cautious, we made sure the cars had stopped before we crossed.

Our country has come a long way, celebrating 50 years of independance and we do have a lot of land unlike Singapore, but our town planning is very family and tourist unfriendly. I am not able to push my daughter in her stroller here as our walk ways have a lot of obstructions...there are a lot of bumps and ramps are not available everywhere..

Even taking the train would be a challenge as there are some train stations that do not come with lifts. This a sad state of affairs, considering that we once had the tallest building in the world..why are we proud of all these when we cannot even get simple things right?

We have to get our priorities right and at the rate we are going, sometimes I wonder...well I guess that's life...

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