Friday, December 15, 2006

Civic Mindedness

This morning the trains were delayed. I arrived on the platform at 8 am and was surprised to see that the platform was full. Thinking that this may be a temporary glitch, I decided to get into the line. Trains came but was full to the brim at the door and at long intervals so we waited. I think everytime a train came only one or two person could get in at each door thus making the wait a chore...

What made things even worse was that everyone in the train was concentration at the door instead of making their way into the train. From where I stood, I could see that there was still space inside the train, after a few trains passed by without me geting nearer to the door, I decided to ask people to move in further but all they did was give me a stone face.

All of us need to get to work and the least we can do is help each other out but I guess it is to each his own! This is the state of our people...

Usually it take me a mere 20 minutes from platform to platform but today it took me more than an could have been less if only people thought more of others and less of themselves...but I guess that's life!

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