Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I have been so lazy to write these last month...a lot of things have landed on my table and work just kept piling up but I was more busy surfing other blogs and reading there and totally ignored my own blog...

I guess sometimes I go through phases in my life that I get just plain lazy...like now...I went on the weighing scale over the weekend and realized that the pounds have crept up on me and I need to lose it real fast...

I have not been going to the gym like I use to and my eating habits have been just non disciplined! I am trying to make an effort now to take the stairs where ever I can instead of the elevators and escalators. I have been told that going off carbs will help as well so I am going to give that a go as well and some one else told me, don't eat 4 hours before bed time. If that's the case, I have to have dinner at 6 pm which is near impossible as I get home only at 7 30 pm. I guess I just have to make the effort.

Same goes to my blog, I guess I just have to make the time to write.

As everything is life, it is as simple as taking the first step to make the change...that's life!


KittyCat said...

Hi...I've been down this road too he he.

Am now trying hard to lose the remaining baby weight. Using the stairs sounds like a good start ya!

hoteliermom said...

I have started but I guess the food is the one that is difficult to control...ha ha ha