Friday, October 27, 2006

Nasty Fall

A few nights ago, I was playing with my daughter in the living room and she was contemplating a stunt and suddenly she fell and went crashing into one of her toys...tears streamed down her cheeks as she rested her head on my shoulder, and as I turned to check her face, I saw that there were drops of blood on my t-shirt and that alarmed me a little. I saw blood coming out of the corner of her mouth and quickly checked the inside of her mouth. Her daddy thought we should go to the clinic to just check it and out and I agreed but at the same time I also called our family doctor and he recommended some ice. By that time, I could hear her complaining her usual self and knew that she was no longer in pain. She was more interested in the hanky that had blood spots and the blood spot on my, how fast they forget!

With the ice the bleeding stopped and I checked her tooth to see if it was broken or loose but it was intact...thank God! In no time too she was laughing..

I guess this will be the first of many falls that she will endure, whether physically or emotionally, and just like this fall I hope either her father or myself will be there with her and make the pain more bearable and just like this fall too I hope she heals fast and forgets and continue with life just like nothing major happened.

I know that I learned to brush off the small things and go on with life as my 17 month old daughter has taught me...that's life, we teach and we learn, we give and we receive...

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