Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I was in Indonesia last week. This is not my first trip but everytime I go there I notice one thing that actually amazes me. The way Indonesians drive. For one thing the roads are not over populated like ours and yes they have bad traffic jams as well but they are more cordial on the road.

What is the horn for? A means of communication right? Yes, and that is exactly what they do...we on the oher hand, if we use the horn , we may get into trouble because it may be taken as something else...being rude or something like that...

Indonesian drivers also give way to others who would like to turn right especially in a busy road...instead of coming faster like what most Malaysian does...I mean honestly, how much does it cost for us to be more polite on the road?

We seem to be in control when we are driving and feel like we can do what ever we want...how sad that we have become such ruthless and rude creatures on our roads...well I guess unless something drastic is done we will just get worse...can I say That's Life? Maybe not..

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