Monday, September 18, 2006

Lamb Chops

Did you ever go through a time where you ONLY ate one kind if food that you got so sick of it. That's what happened to me when I was in my early 20s. Mine was grilled lamb chops!Everytime we went out to a restaurant or anywhere that served lamb chops, that is what I would have. I had all the time...with mint sauce of course.

Had it a lot in Swensen's and Victoria Station and even the road side guys that served western food. I would not have anything else except lamb chops. Then it happened! I got just darn sick of it! I just could not face it, smell it, taste it and order it. Lamb chops just started tasting awful to me...aaarrgh...what is happening? Not lamb but grilled lamb chops...

Fortunately however, yesterday at the simulation of our spanking new coffee shop, there were grilled lamb chops and it was absolutely delicious! I think my love affair with lamb chops have started again...I will take it easy this time...not overdoing it and learn to love again...

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