Friday, September 01, 2006

Childhood Memories...

Today I went out for lunch around 12:30 pm and the sun was blistering hot. I told a friend of mine that I like this weather as it reminds me of my childhood when we finish school at 1 pm, buy ice cream and have it melt as we try to finish it quickly...such simple pleasures..

There are so many things that remind me of my childhood and gadgets were not one of them. I grew up in a small town and we were not big on gadgets. We played "police and thief", jumping ropes, hopscotch...stuff like that. We had shaven ice balls with syrup..and this was so nice on a hot day like today.

I wonder what my daughter will remember when she is my age...I did not have parents who were big into piano lessons and art classes or anything like that. We were "free & easy" schedule except school and after that play, homework and TV. I look at my nieces today and see their crazy schedule and I pray that I do not become one of those mothers who are busy sending their children for all sorts of classes.

I want her to enjoy her childhood as how I enjoyed mine. Maybe when she is older I will introduce her to shaven ice with syrup on a hot sunny day. I guess she will have her own kind of games that they play these days...ah well that's the circle of life..

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