Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hotel Life

When I decided that I was going to work in a hotel some 16 years ago, I knew the hours would be long and crazy. At that time I thought that only the operations people would be doing these long crazy hours but I realized very quickly that there is no such thing as 9 to 5.

If I knock off at 5:30 pm at any one day, there are questions like "Wah, going back early ah?" I am not going back early, I am going back on time. Most days we are here until pass 7 pm. When we are in managerial positions, it is expected that we walk the floors and look out for defects or anything that could cause inconvenience to guests.

Doing 12 hour shift daily can be stressful but this is the path that I have chosen and I would not trade it in for another job. I love the environment. I love the food. I love the people. I love the challenges. I love the entertainment. I love the crazy hours.

Some may think that it is glamorous, but it is far from that. We have to work real hard to ensure that we look glamorous for the guests. Wahtever it is, it is enjoyable and rewarding. The choices we make are ours and ours alone. No one should influence us...that's life!


Angeleyes said...

I totally understand the long hours as I was there once myself... but it was fun though even we worked more than 18 hrs day esp during festive seasons. Missed those life ah.....

hoteliermom said...

Hey Angeleyes, you no longer in this profession..?

Angeleyes said...

my new profession works 24/7 and 365 days a year... worst than the hotel and the boss is extremely demanding too! Even if I need to be on leave i have to bring my boss along... :-P

catch me and my boss @

mjey said...

hey there,

I once worked in the hotel industrdy too. Enjoyed it while I was still single. I was in PR so it came with lots of late nites. Today married with two kids - i do think back of it - don't think I will have the energy to do it. But I is fun working in the hotel.

ku E said...

hey, i was in the hotel too. i was there for more than 10 years or so, front office dept. i still missed it sooo much. especially when we got the chance to meet celebrities etc. from overseas. also not forgetting famous people like the f1 driver i.e. schumacher, max biaggi etc. in fact there were so many memories with them. ;)