Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's a Mad World

Last week I had to go to KL General Hospital to visit a staff of mine. The story was he got attacked by two guys with parang. He and another friend of his was having supper and they were approached by these two guys and ask them for money. My staff said that he had little and they caught him by his neck and took the parang out and started attacking them. His friend managed to run but he did not and had some gash on his face.

He was lucky though that it could all be fixed with stitches and when I saw him he was in high spirits. I dread to think what would have happened if he were hurt more than that or even killed during this attack. He is young with a bright future ahead of him and has a lot to look forward too...

Everyday we read about things like this in the local papers and it is getting very scary. Everyday you wonder if someone is just behind you ready to attack you.

We worry about the welfare of our children and if they are safe as they go to and from school. I feel sad for the parents who lose their children in such brutal attacks, how do we go on living?

What are these attackers thinking when they do such things? Do they not think of their family members and how they would feel? Do they not feel any remorse? Do they not feel anything??? Our once safe country and now beginning to become as unsafe as many other countries in the world. This is obviously the price we pay for one point we need to move forward but at what expense..?

This is indeed very sad...

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