Sunday, August 20, 2006

Expensive Groceries

Today there was an article about inflation in the papers....boy do I agree! I went shopping for groceries over the weekend and had a fairly short list, however the bill came up to almost RM300 and this will last us a family of three plus the maid another two weeks...I did not buy anything extraordinary, just stuff that we eat everyday, but of course a big portion of the bill went to my one year old, baby stuff are expensive but I guess it is a good sacrifice...

I work in a hotel and my meals are taken care by the hotel, I understand that eating out even at the mamak can be an expensive affair. If you do not have at least RM5 in your pocket, do not even bother going out. The term economy rice is no longer economical but at least cheaper than everything else...depending on what you take though!

Somebody I met last week told to me to put aside daily the money that should have been spent for my lunch since my lunch is provided for and use that money to buy something nice for myself...I have yet to do that. I guess I have just taken for granted that my meals are taken care.

I think I have to make an effort to save more now while I can, my child's education is not going to be something cheap and I have to start preparing for that now...I am glad that I have some endowment policies that are maturing soon and that will help me pay for our house thus reducing the re-payment period...

Things are getting expensive and we have to live with it, I guess we have to be smart shoppers...that's for another topic!

But until then, that's life!

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