Friday, August 18, 2006

Forged Medical Chits

Today I found out that my staff has forged his medical certificate (MC). He has carefully duplicated the clinic's MC and submitted it to us. We flagged his file because for the 3 months that he has worked here, he has got 7 MCs, which is a lot by our standard.

So we played CSI and studied the MC and called the clinic to verify after which we found out that he never visited the clinic on the said date. BINGO! We nailed him.

Why oh why do they do this? Is it so difficult to come to work? Maybe it is! I know we have our bad days and we really do not want to go to work but this is the job that pays our bills and puts food on the table. This is the job that takes care of us when we are really sick. This is the job that helps us in our growth. I guess it is just harder for some to come to work and give their commitment than others. I guess that's life!

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