Sunday, August 13, 2006


Today while waiting for the bus to get to work I saw a homeless guy sleeping at the bus stop, dirty he was but was oblivious to his surrounding...all of us just looked and went on with our lives...

As the bus passed another bus stop, there was another guy sleeping at the bus stop, this being close to 8 am...and at the LRT station near my office, there was one asleep on the escalator that does not work...

3 homeless people, this is a developing nation and we can't do anything for these people or is it by choice that they sleep at the bus stops?? There are suppose to be enforcement officers to look into matters like this...and I sure hope they do..

Today with so much going on around us, we wonder for our safety and our children's much as we want to help, we are worried...

What are we to do..?

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