Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Good Life..

My father-in-law called this morning to inform me that my husband's grandma is clinically dead. She was admitted a week ago when she collapsed and went into a coma...the doctor's did not give much hope and ask the family to decide what we should do, however,she seemed to have gotten better and though her eyes were closed, she responded by moving her mouth and hands as well and she always looked like she was asleep.

I think today they will decide to take her off the machines that are keeping her alive as there is no more brain activity. When she collapsed last week, the first thing she said was "Keep the chili, I will come back and make the sambal belacan" typical of her...

Today however I think she will join her maker and be at peace..she will be born to eternal life...

Her life is good and with 6 children, 13 grandchildren, 4 great grand daughters and many nephew and nieces and a host of other relatives, she has indeed been an inspiration to all ... will write more later about her and life in general...

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