Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Time Management

This morning I had to wait for my staff...why? Because they were late. They were suppose to be in at 9 am for a training but did not show up on time. In my earlier post, I asked if we are a rude lot and now I am accepting it even more that yes we are rude.

We do not care about how others would feel if we were late. In fact we are always running late and so much so we have something called "Malaysian Time" which we are oh so proud of...

We are a rude lot as we do not practice time management.

I take the time very seriously and I would feel bad if I had to make people wait and would make sure that it does not happen often...I do not say that I perfect but at least I try...some of us don't even try..this is really sad....

I think my blog will be full of instances where we are rude and inconsiderate...

...and how are we suppose to become a developed nation if we can't even tell time correctly..

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