Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Are We Rude?

Sometime last week there was a survey done and it turns out that Kuala Lumpur is the third rudest city in the world...sometimes I wonder if we should agree with this or disagree.

There are many comments that has been made about this and I think I should just quietly give my two sen worth here.

I know that most city folks are inconsiderate and self centered. If you take the train in like me during rush hour you will know how packed the traines can be and all of us just want to get to work! However, even when the train is to the brim, at the door that is, you can still see some good standing room inside but people just refuse to move in further...look at the Japanese, if you take their train during rush hour, everyone is standing almost skin to skin but in our train there are people who can actually read newspaper inside the train while standing and not care about the rest..

The same when we drive, we are not considerate...if we allow others to overtake or if we give way, it is a sign of weakness.....what rubbish!

We are no longer warm, we are self centered! We think only for our selves and we are so caught up in the rat race to get ahead...so sad that the citizen of this country has come to this...

But I guess that's life in the big city....still no excuse to just accept it, we have to be the one to make the difference and teach our children the same..

When will we start greeting bus drivers or when will the supermarket cashiers say thank you when we check out, or when will we stop thinking that we have to get ahead of everybody else? We are a developing country and we have much to offer but at what cost?

Lets make a difference!

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