Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bath Tub..Would You?

I read recently that some upscale hotels are removing bath tubs from their bathroom. These hotels cater to business travelers who do not have the time to enjoy a 40 minutes long bath and would rather enjoy a good shower. Also there is the issue of hygiene. Would you want to get into a long bath that was previously used by others...not knowing the actual cleanliness level...hmmm...I wonder???

A good shower or a rain shower as it is commonly known now is a far better experience than a long bath AND it saves water AND I think it does a better job in cleaning than a long bath.

Consider this, you are in a long bath with the same water from the start to the end...where does the dirt go???

The water cost would also go down...right? So my vote is definitely for a good quality shower..away with the tubs..that's life to me..

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