Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Dies

When I read on the net yesterday that the crocodile hunter Steve Irvin had died after being barbed by a sting ray through his heart, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "God works in miraculous ways!". This man devoted his whole life and time to the care of animals and endangered species, and I have heard Steve say many times through his shows that he will do this until he dies. I am sure in his own way, he would have wanted to die in the animal kingdom and he would have been at peace knowing that he dies at the hands of an animal, what more a so called docile animal unless it is frightened.

I can only imagine what was going through his mind during the hour of his death, however, whatever it is, the Crocodile Hunter has done more for the animal kingdom and education of our future generation in his short 44 years than many people in their lifetime lasting longer than that.

Take everyday as an adventure and educate, share, teach and touch another life as much as we can. Life is too short to bicker and fight.

A prayer goes out to Steve's soul and his family should be proud of his contributions to mankind. I will always remember Steve and his sanguine ways...

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