Sunday, September 03, 2006

Flu Bug

I have been struck by the flu bug and am sounding very nasal these days...I knew it was coming on when my throat started to feel like sand paper. I have been one who takes my vitamins diligently and have managed to dodge the bug for some time now. I hate the thought of taking medicine whilst breastfeeding my I try to keep as healthy as possible.

Of late though I must admit that I have been slacking in the vitamins department and am not as disciplined hence the flu bug...

Lesson learnt! From now on I will ensure that I take my vits, eat healthy and drink plenty of juice and a lot of water to detox to ensure that the bug does not have the opportunity to hit...

This morning I started by taking a good dose of fresh apple and orange juice, had hot lemonade with honey as well. I hope I am able to fight this bug without the help of antibiotic which I hate and come out stronger...!

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