Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Last night we took our daughter to the clinic to get a shot. It was one of the series of immunization that she needs to get.

When she was a few months old getting her first shots, she used to be quiet and not very concern about the jab. She would be more focused on the mobile that hung over her and even the doctor was amazed that this child showed no emotion of pain.

As she grew older, she would let out a small scream and everything would be better after that. Usually I would nurse her while she gets her jab as breastmilk is nature's painkiller. Last night however, the minute I started nursing her in the clinic and the nurse prepped her, she started crying, the minute the doctor gave her the jab, she screamed and cried and cried. She did not even want to nurse...my poor baby...a little bit of complaining to her father and myself and we were good...she is kinda "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and did not continue crying but I am sure she will remember the doctor's clinic from now on...there are a few more jabs to come...but it is for the best...that's life

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