Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Good Life..

My father-in-law called this morning to inform me that my husband's grandma is clinically dead. She was admitted a week ago when she collapsed and went into a coma...the doctor's did not give much hope and ask the family to decide what we should do, however,she seemed to have gotten better and though her eyes were closed, she responded by moving her mouth and hands as well and she always looked like she was asleep.

I think today they will decide to take her off the machines that are keeping her alive as there is no more brain activity. When she collapsed last week, the first thing she said was "Keep the chili, I will come back and make the sambal belacan" typical of her...

Today however I think she will join her maker and be at peace..she will be born to eternal life...

Her life is good and with 6 children, 13 grandchildren, 4 great grand daughters and many nephew and nieces and a host of other relatives, she has indeed been an inspiration to all ... will write more later about her and life in general...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Time Management

This morning I had to wait for my staff...why? Because they were late. They were suppose to be in at 9 am for a training but did not show up on time. In my earlier post, I asked if we are a rude lot and now I am accepting it even more that yes we are rude.

We do not care about how others would feel if we were late. In fact we are always running late and so much so we have something called "Malaysian Time" which we are oh so proud of...

We are a rude lot as we do not practice time management.

I take the time very seriously and I would feel bad if I had to make people wait and would make sure that it does not happen often...I do not say that I perfect but at least I try...some of us don't even try..this is really sad....

I think my blog will be full of instances where we are rude and inconsiderate...

...and how are we suppose to become a developed nation if we can't even tell time correctly..

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Are We Rude?

Sometime last week there was a survey done and it turns out that Kuala Lumpur is the third rudest city in the world...sometimes I wonder if we should agree with this or disagree.

There are many comments that has been made about this and I think I should just quietly give my two sen worth here.

I know that most city folks are inconsiderate and self centered. If you take the train in like me during rush hour you will know how packed the traines can be and all of us just want to get to work! However, even when the train is to the brim, at the door that is, you can still see some good standing room inside but people just refuse to move in further...look at the Japanese, if you take their train during rush hour, everyone is standing almost skin to skin but in our train there are people who can actually read newspaper inside the train while standing and not care about the rest..

The same when we drive, we are not considerate...if we allow others to overtake or if we give way, it is a sign of weakness.....what rubbish!

We are no longer warm, we are self centered! We think only for our selves and we are so caught up in the rat race to get sad that the citizen of this country has come to this...

But I guess that's life in the big city....still no excuse to just accept it, we have to be the one to make the difference and teach our children the same..

When will we start greeting bus drivers or when will the supermarket cashiers say thank you when we check out, or when will we stop thinking that we have to get ahead of everybody else? We are a developing country and we have much to offer but at what cost?

Lets make a difference!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I Miss Her

Yesterday I met my ex-boss for lunch, when I saw her and gave her a hug, I was close to tears! I couldn't believe it but I miss her so much! I knew I would miss her but did not think that I could feel this way...

This is the person who unselfishly shared her knowledge with me and took me under her wings, having the faith in me and allowing me to fly when I was ready..what is there not to love? She is caring, has a great sense of humour, motherly (has four children herself) and best of all, enjoys good food just like me...ha ha ha

I just wish that someday there will be someone who will look up to me as I look up to her, that is a sign of having been a good leader...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Hometown...

I went back to my hometown recently and spent 5 days of doing nothing but eat, eat and eat. I have always been very proud of the food that is available in my humble Batu Pahat...maybe not so humble anymore but still as charming..

My sister (who lives in Germany), my cousin and I had actually planned a eating travel path for our time back home. Though we have been in KL for a long time and love the food here but nothing like the taste of Batu Pahat.

We started with Glutton the name says...its for gluttons like us! Had O-Chien (fried oysters with yam and flour with egg mixed in...),yummmyyyyy, fried carrot cake , fried lobak, grilled stingray with sambal, pork satay....wah I tell you it was the bomb! Washed it all down with fruit juice, must still have something healthy....ha ha ha

The next day we had the best wantan mee in the country, so claimed by everybody from Batu Pahat...located in Jalan Jenang (I think)...wah so shiok one! We also had kampung chicken cooked in herbs for dinner...somewhat like confinement food...memories.....

We took it easy the next day with bubur ayam...also I must say, delicious and what did we have for breakfast, apart from home made bread, we had lontong! The lontong in Johor is served with sambal kacang, nice...

In between we had snacks! Fried goreng pisang and in Johor, it is served with kicap chilli padi, the sweetness from the banana blends so well with the spicy of the chilli padi...explodes in you mouth! Also had apam balik and cream puff from Kim Leng, again the best cream puff inthe delicious.

And to make sure that I bring the taste of Batu Pahat home, I even packed Nasi Briyani...RM4.50 only per pack but so , so sedap (delicious)

If you can see from my writing, I am all mixed up because my mind wants to share all these great food with you.

Until the next great Batu Pahat food adventure!