Wednesday, May 31, 2006


up....that is! My GM gave me the position and I didn't have to wait for 6 months like what he had said earlier...I guess he feels I can do the job...feels scary now that I have the position but I think I will get all the right support that I need from people who I know I can depend on...

At the moment we are suppose to be doing the handover but we have taken a break....boy I am going miss my current boss but there is no goodbye as far as we are concerned, being in the same field, we will definitely be in touch....this is one tough act to follow but I guess sometimes, we have to have our own acts as well huh??

will write some more later....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mixed Feelings..

Recently I was offered a job in a hotel that is going to open sometime in July...extra money but same position..also it is part of a international chain..grabbed the offer and after that had an after thought..

I had always wanted to go into Human Resources and if I stay with my current hotel, I may just get that opportunity but have to wait it out a little...if I go, I get to work with a boss whom I totally admire and love, in fact I took the offer at the other place because of her, knowing that I would be soooo comfortable working with her but I decided to stay...

I know my current place had its challenges, having been in operation for over 10 years, there are set ways of doing things and going to a new place would give me a chance to start all a new but I have decided to stay...why, for a simple reason that if I go I may have to put off having another child for a year until the place is more stable...I don't think I can go and get pregnant while everyone is still busy with a new hotel...sound wierd, well...

I am not young and may want to have a sibling for my daughter, if it happens it happens, at least I know that with my current place, should I be blessed with another pregnancy, I will not feel guilty...I guess I would like to put my family over my career...and I think I have done the right thing...just that I feel I have let my current boss who may have been my future boss down (she starts there in June)....we are such good friends and complement each other well...I hope one day I will get the opportunity to work with her again...thank you YSH...if you read this, you know who you are and you understand why I did what I did...

Friday, May 26, 2006

First Birthday

We celebrated my daughter's first birthday last week and the hardest decision was what cake we should get...went to Secret Recipe and had all these wonderful cakes laid out before us..I asked the manager who was so helpful on each and every type and he explained patiently..

I told him he should have a free sample ala Baskin Robbins but he just smiled, another way of saying no I guess...I told hubby, it's her first birthday and she is not going to have any bake so we should get a cake that we will enjoy...he was quite easy about it so I made my choice...Walnut Mocha Cake...what a choice...lovely lovely cake...

Every bite was a mouthful of walnuts and the walnuts were not bitter but quite good actually...and the mocha cream was not overwhelming...just right I must say...I guess as my daughter grows, we will have a cake of her choice but till then it is an excuse for us to have cake...and eat it too!

Friday Evening

It is Friday evening and I really should be home at this time...I think there is a conspiracy, ever noticed how it always starts raining at 5:30 pm when we want to just stay in the office la..

Today the rain continues...with thunder some much for going home what do I do? Enough of work, its never finished anyway, so lets Blog...I think this can get addictive...

Friday evening in the city is already bad, couple that with rain, you can imagine, lucky I take the train in, my husband and I leave the car at a train station just outside the city so we can escape the traffic...all those people who want to get INTO town to party when we want to get OUT of town...irony...

If I go walking around the hotel, I am bound to bump into some one I know and that will delay my departure even more...looks like it is starting to get into a drizzle, maybe I can get to the train station, lucky there are spare umbrella, gotta go...

Hotel Food

One of the comments I always get when I tell people that I work in a hotel is "Oh, you can eat all that nice food la"....well, we can if we wanted to but it is not always free....but that is not the issue...

How much hotel food can one eat? My favourite in the hotel is our cafeteria food...simple and good! Like today, we had grilled chicken chop, creamy mash potatoes and ceaser salad (my favourite)...and some nice banana to wash it all down......

Sometimes we have simple curry or just stir fried vege and steaming rice, quite delicious!

The maids will usually tell us, give us simple vege, hot hot rice and fried chicken with chili padi and we are set! Ah the simple pleasures....

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Yesterday I spoke about how I had difficulty crossing the road thanks to our friendly traffic, I will speak about incomplete projects...

My walk from the train station requires me to cross this busy road (before reaching the intersection that is)..thank God the authorities has put a pedestrian bridge with an escalator...whoo hoo! An escalator, isn't that thoughtful but lo and behold the expensive escalator cannot be used as it never came into everyone has to walk up the is that? Plan an escalator but don't complete it, who suffers...? Again, the very people who needs to cross the roads...and what about those old poeple who cannot walk up the stairs...what happens to them? sad inded...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Traffic Policemen

Most days when I take the train in, I have to walk a good 7 minutes to get to my office but this 7 minutes sometimes becomes 17 minutes, thanks to our traffic policemen.

True to their name, they only take care of traffic and not me and a lot others...when they are on duty at intersections, traffic lights become obselete and so does the green and red man. The traffic policemen do not care about pedestrians but will allow cars and other vehovles to go even when the green man comes on making it ver hard for the what do we do? We dash across the road when there is a chance or dart between the cars when traffic slows down...putting our lives a think that the policemen are suppose to place the citizens out of danger NOT put them in danger! I guess that's life in the big, bad,city....

My First Blog

I have always wanted to do something that involved writing but never did indulge in it seriously but with a blog I guess I can just write away...

This being my first blog, I guess I will keep in simple and sweet....everyone in my office is out for lunch and I usually am done with lunch within 20 minutes and back to my desk to do whatever I have to do...but today I will blog....hmmm...I like the sound of that I will blog...

Someone told me once, why would someone want to blog and let the whole world read but hey I guess it would a great place for opinions as well...right?

Lets publish this and see what happens...real amatuer huh?