Friday, May 26, 2006

First Birthday

We celebrated my daughter's first birthday last week and the hardest decision was what cake we should get...went to Secret Recipe and had all these wonderful cakes laid out before us..I asked the manager who was so helpful on each and every type and he explained patiently..

I told him he should have a free sample ala Baskin Robbins but he just smiled, another way of saying no I guess...I told hubby, it's her first birthday and she is not going to have any bake so we should get a cake that we will enjoy...he was quite easy about it so I made my choice...Walnut Mocha Cake...what a choice...lovely lovely cake...

Every bite was a mouthful of walnuts and the walnuts were not bitter but quite good actually...and the mocha cream was not overwhelming...just right I must say...I guess as my daughter grows, we will have a cake of her choice but till then it is an excuse for us to have cake...and eat it too!

1 comment:

Mumsgather said...

Haha. Such a good excuse to eat cake!