Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Traffic Policemen

Most days when I take the train in, I have to walk a good 7 minutes to get to my office but this 7 minutes sometimes becomes 17 minutes, thanks to our traffic policemen.

True to their name, they only take care of traffic and not pedestrians...like me and a lot others...when they are on duty at intersections, traffic lights become obselete and so does the green and red man. The traffic policemen do not care about pedestrians but will allow cars and other vehovles to go even when the green man comes on making it ver hard for the pedestrian...like me...so what do we do? We dash across the road when there is a chance or dart between the cars when traffic slows down...putting our lives a risk...to think that the policemen are suppose to place the citizens out of danger NOT put them in danger! I guess that's life in the big, bad,city....

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