Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mixed Feelings..

Recently I was offered a job in a hotel that is going to open sometime in July...extra money but same position..also it is part of a international chain..grabbed the offer and after that had an after thought..

I had always wanted to go into Human Resources and if I stay with my current hotel, I may just get that opportunity but have to wait it out a little...if I go, I get to work with a boss whom I totally admire and love, in fact I took the offer at the other place because of her, knowing that I would be soooo comfortable working with her but I decided to stay...

I know my current place had its challenges, having been in operation for over 10 years, there are set ways of doing things and going to a new place would give me a chance to start all a new but I have decided to stay...why, for a simple reason that if I go I may have to put off having another child for a year until the place is more stable...I don't think I can go and get pregnant while everyone is still busy with a new hotel...sound wierd, well...

I am not young and may want to have a sibling for my daughter, if it happens it happens, at least I know that with my current place, should I be blessed with another pregnancy, I will not feel guilty...I guess I would like to put my family over my career...and I think I have done the right thing...just that I feel I have let my current boss who may have been my future boss down (she starts there in June)....we are such good friends and complement each other well...I hope one day I will get the opportunity to work with her again...thank you YSH...if you read this, you know who you are and you understand why I did what I did...


LindaMunshi said...

Don't you just hate it when u are torn between 2 decisions? Wishing u all the best & success in whichever career decision that you choose.

mama23beas said...

I didn't know it was you, thanks for visiting my blog;).
BTW...yeah, it is hard. I also thought I want to concentrate on career more after 2 kids, but I got a 'surprise'. Anyway, a bit tougher but we manage ok, and we couldn't be happier with the new addition to the family

hoteliermom said...

gee, thanks for visiting my blog, ada jugak yang nak membaca...will keep my thoughts coming...