Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My First Blog

I have always wanted to do something that involved writing but never did indulge in it seriously but with a blog I guess I can just write away...

This being my first blog, I guess I will keep in simple and sweet....everyone in my office is out for lunch and I usually am done with lunch within 20 minutes and back to my desk to do whatever I have to do...but today I will blog....hmmm...I like the sound of that I will blog...

Someone told me once, why would someone want to blog and let the whole world read but hey I guess it would a great place for opinions as well...right?

Lets publish this and see what happens...real amatuer huh?


Mumsgather said...

Hi! I saw your url in MMB.

You said "I have always wanted to do something that involved writing but never did indulge in it seriously but with a blog I guess I can just write away..."

Hehe. Same same here. Same reason for my blog. Welcome to the blog world. :)

LindaMunshi said...

Congrats on your first entry! Looking fwd to more of ur entries. =)