Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Evening

It is Friday evening and I really should be home at this time...I think there is a conspiracy, ever noticed how it always starts raining at 5:30 pm when we want to just stay in the office la..

Today the rain continues...with thunder some much for going home what do I do? Enough of work, its never finished anyway, so lets Blog...I think this can get addictive...

Friday evening in the city is already bad, couple that with rain, you can imagine, lucky I take the train in, my husband and I leave the car at a train station just outside the city so we can escape the traffic...all those people who want to get INTO town to party when we want to get OUT of town...irony...

If I go walking around the hotel, I am bound to bump into some one I know and that will delay my departure even more...looks like it is starting to get into a drizzle, maybe I can get to the train station, lucky there are spare umbrella, gotta go...

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