Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hotel Life

When I decided that I was going to work in a hotel some 16 years ago, I knew the hours would be long and crazy. At that time I thought that only the operations people would be doing these long crazy hours but I realized very quickly that there is no such thing as 9 to 5.

If I knock off at 5:30 pm at any one day, there are questions like "Wah, going back early ah?" I am not going back early, I am going back on time. Most days we are here until pass 7 pm. When we are in managerial positions, it is expected that we walk the floors and look out for defects or anything that could cause inconvenience to guests.

Doing 12 hour shift daily can be stressful but this is the path that I have chosen and I would not trade it in for another job. I love the environment. I love the food. I love the people. I love the challenges. I love the entertainment. I love the crazy hours.

Some may think that it is glamorous, but it is far from that. We have to work real hard to ensure that we look glamorous for the guests. Wahtever it is, it is enjoyable and rewarding. The choices we make are ours and ours alone. No one should influence us...that's life!

Friday, August 25, 2006


The way the rain was pouring yesterday, we were sure we were going to be hit with another flood. Our hotel is always hit, sometimes just 6 inches, sometimes a foot, highest ever was 5 feet 8 inches and yesterday at 5 feet.

The water yesterday however was strong and even broke the glass door leading to our cafeteria. The double door fridge also fell. We knew we had to vacate the basement real quick as the water was rising fast.

We waited more than an hour before the water resided and continued with cleaning the place up. I am grateful that the spirit of care and share were strong among our staff who all pitched in and cleaned up the hotel's basement and all affected areas.

Of course damage is done but that will not deter us and we will work harder despite these obstacles.

Like always is not a bed of roses, there are bound to be thorns there...that's life

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Expensive Groceries

Today there was an article about inflation in the papers....boy do I agree! I went shopping for groceries over the weekend and had a fairly short list, however the bill came up to almost RM300 and this will last us a family of three plus the maid another two weeks...I did not buy anything extraordinary, just stuff that we eat everyday, but of course a big portion of the bill went to my one year old, baby stuff are expensive but I guess it is a good sacrifice...

I work in a hotel and my meals are taken care by the hotel, I understand that eating out even at the mamak can be an expensive affair. If you do not have at least RM5 in your pocket, do not even bother going out. The term economy rice is no longer economical but at least cheaper than everything else...depending on what you take though!

Somebody I met last week told to me to put aside daily the money that should have been spent for my lunch since my lunch is provided for and use that money to buy something nice for myself...I have yet to do that. I guess I have just taken for granted that my meals are taken care.

I think I have to make an effort to save more now while I can, my child's education is not going to be something cheap and I have to start preparing for that now...I am glad that I have some endowment policies that are maturing soon and that will help me pay for our house thus reducing the re-payment period...

Things are getting expensive and we have to live with it, I guess we have to be smart shoppers...that's for another topic!

But until then, that's life!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Forged Medical Chits

Today I found out that my staff has forged his medical certificate (MC). He has carefully duplicated the clinic's MC and submitted it to us. We flagged his file because for the 3 months that he has worked here, he has got 7 MCs, which is a lot by our standard.

So we played CSI and studied the MC and called the clinic to verify after which we found out that he never visited the clinic on the said date. BINGO! We nailed him.

Why oh why do they do this? Is it so difficult to come to work? Maybe it is! I know we have our bad days and we really do not want to go to work but this is the job that pays our bills and puts food on the table. This is the job that takes care of us when we are really sick. This is the job that helps us in our growth. I guess it is just harder for some to come to work and give their commitment than others. I guess that's life!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Today while waiting for the bus to get to work I saw a homeless guy sleeping at the bus stop, dirty he was but was oblivious to his surrounding...all of us just looked and went on with our lives...

As the bus passed another bus stop, there was another guy sleeping at the bus stop, this being close to 8 am...and at the LRT station near my office, there was one asleep on the escalator that does not work...

3 homeless people, this is a developing nation and we can't do anything for these people or is it by choice that they sleep at the bus stops?? There are suppose to be enforcement officers to look into matters like this...and I sure hope they do..

Today with so much going on around us, we wonder for our safety and our children's much as we want to help, we are worried...

What are we to do..?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's a Mad World

Last week I had to go to KL General Hospital to visit a staff of mine. The story was he got attacked by two guys with parang. He and another friend of his was having supper and they were approached by these two guys and ask them for money. My staff said that he had little and they caught him by his neck and took the parang out and started attacking them. His friend managed to run but he did not and had some gash on his face.

He was lucky though that it could all be fixed with stitches and when I saw him he was in high spirits. I dread to think what would have happened if he were hurt more than that or even killed during this attack. He is young with a bright future ahead of him and has a lot to look forward too...

Everyday we read about things like this in the local papers and it is getting very scary. Everyday you wonder if someone is just behind you ready to attack you.

We worry about the welfare of our children and if they are safe as they go to and from school. I feel sad for the parents who lose their children in such brutal attacks, how do we go on living?

What are these attackers thinking when they do such things? Do they not think of their family members and how they would feel? Do they not feel any remorse? Do they not feel anything??? Our once safe country and now beginning to become as unsafe as many other countries in the world. This is obviously the price we pay for one point we need to move forward but at what expense..?

This is indeed very sad...