Monday, September 18, 2006

Lamb Chops

Did you ever go through a time where you ONLY ate one kind if food that you got so sick of it. That's what happened to me when I was in my early 20s. Mine was grilled lamb chops!Everytime we went out to a restaurant or anywhere that served lamb chops, that is what I would have. I had all the time...with mint sauce of course.

Had it a lot in Swensen's and Victoria Station and even the road side guys that served western food. I would not have anything else except lamb chops. Then it happened! I got just darn sick of it! I just could not face it, smell it, taste it and order it. Lamb chops just started tasting awful to me...aaarrgh...what is happening? Not lamb but grilled lamb chops...

Fortunately however, yesterday at the simulation of our spanking new coffee shop, there were grilled lamb chops and it was absolutely delicious! I think my love affair with lamb chops have started again...I will take it easy this time...not overdoing it and learn to love again...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bath Tub..Would You?

I read recently that some upscale hotels are removing bath tubs from their bathroom. These hotels cater to business travelers who do not have the time to enjoy a 40 minutes long bath and would rather enjoy a good shower. Also there is the issue of hygiene. Would you want to get into a long bath that was previously used by others...not knowing the actual cleanliness level...hmmm...I wonder???

A good shower or a rain shower as it is commonly known now is a far better experience than a long bath AND it saves water AND I think it does a better job in cleaning than a long bath.

Consider this, you are in a long bath with the same water from the start to the end...where does the dirt go???

The water cost would also go down...right? So my vote is definitely for a good quality shower..away with the tubs..that's life to me..

Friday, September 08, 2006

Copy Cat

My daughter is now at a phase in her life where she copies everything we do. Two nights ago her father carried the sofa to tighten the screws below and after he put the sofa down, our little Miss decided that she was going to carry the sofa as well. She looked like a little super hero trying to do this but of course to no avail.

This morning while I was putting some baby oil in my hair, she decided to do the same but without any oil in her hands of course....

Very soon she will reach the phase where she will immitate words that are coming out from our such we just have to be careful with our language around her...that's why they say KIds Say the Darndest Things!, where else do they get it from if not us the adults and all that hear on TV and radio...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Dies

When I read on the net yesterday that the crocodile hunter Steve Irvin had died after being barbed by a sting ray through his heart, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "God works in miraculous ways!". This man devoted his whole life and time to the care of animals and endangered species, and I have heard Steve say many times through his shows that he will do this until he dies. I am sure in his own way, he would have wanted to die in the animal kingdom and he would have been at peace knowing that he dies at the hands of an animal, what more a so called docile animal unless it is frightened.

I can only imagine what was going through his mind during the hour of his death, however, whatever it is, the Crocodile Hunter has done more for the animal kingdom and education of our future generation in his short 44 years than many people in their lifetime lasting longer than that.

Take everyday as an adventure and educate, share, teach and touch another life as much as we can. Life is too short to bicker and fight.

A prayer goes out to Steve's soul and his family should be proud of his contributions to mankind. I will always remember Steve and his sanguine ways...

Sunday, September 03, 2006


This is just a trial blog to see if some things work. As I am a novice at this, the best way to learn is trial and error....

I wanted to paste a picture so here goes....

Woo hoo! It works! Now I put in pix! I do sound like a kid in a candy store don't I?

By the way this is a picture taken in Maldives when I went there for a work assignment. If only I could work in a place like this cool!

Flu Bug

I have been struck by the flu bug and am sounding very nasal these days...I knew it was coming on when my throat started to feel like sand paper. I have been one who takes my vitamins diligently and have managed to dodge the bug for some time now. I hate the thought of taking medicine whilst breastfeeding my I try to keep as healthy as possible.

Of late though I must admit that I have been slacking in the vitamins department and am not as disciplined hence the flu bug...

Lesson learnt! From now on I will ensure that I take my vits, eat healthy and drink plenty of juice and a lot of water to detox to ensure that the bug does not have the opportunity to hit...

This morning I started by taking a good dose of fresh apple and orange juice, had hot lemonade with honey as well. I hope I am able to fight this bug without the help of antibiotic which I hate and come out stronger...!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Childhood Memories...

Today I went out for lunch around 12:30 pm and the sun was blistering hot. I told a friend of mine that I like this weather as it reminds me of my childhood when we finish school at 1 pm, buy ice cream and have it melt as we try to finish it quickly...such simple pleasures..

There are so many things that remind me of my childhood and gadgets were not one of them. I grew up in a small town and we were not big on gadgets. We played "police and thief", jumping ropes, hopscotch...stuff like that. We had shaven ice balls with syrup..and this was so nice on a hot day like today.

I wonder what my daughter will remember when she is my age...I did not have parents who were big into piano lessons and art classes or anything like that. We were "free & easy" schedule except school and after that play, homework and TV. I look at my nieces today and see their crazy schedule and I pray that I do not become one of those mothers who are busy sending their children for all sorts of classes.

I want her to enjoy her childhood as how I enjoyed mine. Maybe when she is older I will introduce her to shaven ice with syrup on a hot sunny day. I guess she will have her own kind of games that they play these days...ah well that's the circle of life..