Friday, December 15, 2006

Civic Mindedness

This morning the trains were delayed. I arrived on the platform at 8 am and was surprised to see that the platform was full. Thinking that this may be a temporary glitch, I decided to get into the line. Trains came but was full to the brim at the door and at long intervals so we waited. I think everytime a train came only one or two person could get in at each door thus making the wait a chore...

What made things even worse was that everyone in the train was concentration at the door instead of making their way into the train. From where I stood, I could see that there was still space inside the train, after a few trains passed by without me geting nearer to the door, I decided to ask people to move in further but all they did was give me a stone face.

All of us need to get to work and the least we can do is help each other out but I guess it is to each his own! This is the state of our people...

Usually it take me a mere 20 minutes from platform to platform but today it took me more than an could have been less if only people thought more of others and less of themselves...but I guess that's life!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I have been so lazy to write these last month...a lot of things have landed on my table and work just kept piling up but I was more busy surfing other blogs and reading there and totally ignored my own blog...

I guess sometimes I go through phases in my life that I get just plain now...I went on the weighing scale over the weekend and realized that the pounds have crept up on me and I need to lose it real fast...

I have not been going to the gym like I use to and my eating habits have been just non disciplined! I am trying to make an effort now to take the stairs where ever I can instead of the elevators and escalators. I have been told that going off carbs will help as well so I am going to give that a go as well and some one else told me, don't eat 4 hours before bed time. If that's the case, I have to have dinner at 6 pm which is near impossible as I get home only at 7 30 pm. I guess I just have to make the effort.

Same goes to my blog, I guess I just have to make the time to write.

As everything is life, it is as simple as taking the first step to make the change...that's life!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Nasty Fall

A few nights ago, I was playing with my daughter in the living room and she was contemplating a stunt and suddenly she fell and went crashing into one of her toys...tears streamed down her cheeks as she rested her head on my shoulder, and as I turned to check her face, I saw that there were drops of blood on my t-shirt and that alarmed me a little. I saw blood coming out of the corner of her mouth and quickly checked the inside of her mouth. Her daddy thought we should go to the clinic to just check it and out and I agreed but at the same time I also called our family doctor and he recommended some ice. By that time, I could hear her complaining her usual self and knew that she was no longer in pain. She was more interested in the hanky that had blood spots and the blood spot on my, how fast they forget!

With the ice the bleeding stopped and I checked her tooth to see if it was broken or loose but it was intact...thank God! In no time too she was laughing..

I guess this will be the first of many falls that she will endure, whether physically or emotionally, and just like this fall I hope either her father or myself will be there with her and make the pain more bearable and just like this fall too I hope she heals fast and forgets and continue with life just like nothing major happened.

I know that I learned to brush off the small things and go on with life as my 17 month old daughter has taught me...that's life, we teach and we learn, we give and we receive...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Some time ago when I started my blog, I wrote about an escalator near the DangWangi LRT that were not all these, for what?

Last week I found out that one of my staff got robbed on the pedestrian bridge, the poor boy was going to the LRT station and was approached by two men with knives who relieved him of his money..I would have pissed in my pants or skirt if that had happened to me..

Just to think that I take that very same pedestrian bridge and sometimes after dark as is not well lit and not worth using..I guess I will find an alternative cross earlier instead of at the bridge..

I had wanted to start a blog about how to improve things that we see but I guess it is just too difficult for the authorities to take action..hence no improvement..well that's life!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Last night we took our daughter to the clinic to get a shot. It was one of the series of immunization that she needs to get.

When she was a few months old getting her first shots, she used to be quiet and not very concern about the jab. She would be more focused on the mobile that hung over her and even the doctor was amazed that this child showed no emotion of pain.

As she grew older, she would let out a small scream and everything would be better after that. Usually I would nurse her while she gets her jab as breastmilk is nature's painkiller. Last night however, the minute I started nursing her in the clinic and the nurse prepped her, she started crying, the minute the doctor gave her the jab, she screamed and cried and cried. She did not even want to poor baby...a little bit of complaining to her father and myself and we were good...she is kinda "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and did not continue crying but I am sure she will remember the doctor's clinic from now on...there are a few more jabs to come...but it is for the best...that's life


I was in Indonesia last week. This is not my first trip but everytime I go there I notice one thing that actually amazes me. The way Indonesians drive. For one thing the roads are not over populated like ours and yes they have bad traffic jams as well but they are more cordial on the road.

What is the horn for? A means of communication right? Yes, and that is exactly what they do...we on the oher hand, if we use the horn , we may get into trouble because it may be taken as something else...being rude or something like that...

Indonesian drivers also give way to others who would like to turn right especially in a busy road...instead of coming faster like what most Malaysian does...I mean honestly, how much does it cost for us to be more polite on the road?

We seem to be in control when we are driving and feel like we can do what ever we sad that we have become such ruthless and rude creatures on our roads...well I guess unless something drastic is done we will just get worse...can I say That's Life? Maybe not..

Monday, September 18, 2006

Lamb Chops

Did you ever go through a time where you ONLY ate one kind if food that you got so sick of it. That's what happened to me when I was in my early 20s. Mine was grilled lamb chops!Everytime we went out to a restaurant or anywhere that served lamb chops, that is what I would have. I had all the time...with mint sauce of course.

Had it a lot in Swensen's and Victoria Station and even the road side guys that served western food. I would not have anything else except lamb chops. Then it happened! I got just darn sick of it! I just could not face it, smell it, taste it and order it. Lamb chops just started tasting awful to me...aaarrgh...what is happening? Not lamb but grilled lamb chops...

Fortunately however, yesterday at the simulation of our spanking new coffee shop, there were grilled lamb chops and it was absolutely delicious! I think my love affair with lamb chops have started again...I will take it easy this time...not overdoing it and learn to love again...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bath Tub..Would You?

I read recently that some upscale hotels are removing bath tubs from their bathroom. These hotels cater to business travelers who do not have the time to enjoy a 40 minutes long bath and would rather enjoy a good shower. Also there is the issue of hygiene. Would you want to get into a long bath that was previously used by others...not knowing the actual cleanliness level...hmmm...I wonder???

A good shower or a rain shower as it is commonly known now is a far better experience than a long bath AND it saves water AND I think it does a better job in cleaning than a long bath.

Consider this, you are in a long bath with the same water from the start to the end...where does the dirt go???

The water cost would also go down...right? So my vote is definitely for a good quality shower..away with the tubs..that's life to me..

Friday, September 08, 2006

Copy Cat

My daughter is now at a phase in her life where she copies everything we do. Two nights ago her father carried the sofa to tighten the screws below and after he put the sofa down, our little Miss decided that she was going to carry the sofa as well. She looked like a little super hero trying to do this but of course to no avail.

This morning while I was putting some baby oil in my hair, she decided to do the same but without any oil in her hands of course....

Very soon she will reach the phase where she will immitate words that are coming out from our such we just have to be careful with our language around her...that's why they say KIds Say the Darndest Things!, where else do they get it from if not us the adults and all that hear on TV and radio...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Dies

When I read on the net yesterday that the crocodile hunter Steve Irvin had died after being barbed by a sting ray through his heart, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "God works in miraculous ways!". This man devoted his whole life and time to the care of animals and endangered species, and I have heard Steve say many times through his shows that he will do this until he dies. I am sure in his own way, he would have wanted to die in the animal kingdom and he would have been at peace knowing that he dies at the hands of an animal, what more a so called docile animal unless it is frightened.

I can only imagine what was going through his mind during the hour of his death, however, whatever it is, the Crocodile Hunter has done more for the animal kingdom and education of our future generation in his short 44 years than many people in their lifetime lasting longer than that.

Take everyday as an adventure and educate, share, teach and touch another life as much as we can. Life is too short to bicker and fight.

A prayer goes out to Steve's soul and his family should be proud of his contributions to mankind. I will always remember Steve and his sanguine ways...

Sunday, September 03, 2006


This is just a trial blog to see if some things work. As I am a novice at this, the best way to learn is trial and error....

I wanted to paste a picture so here goes....

Woo hoo! It works! Now I put in pix! I do sound like a kid in a candy store don't I?

By the way this is a picture taken in Maldives when I went there for a work assignment. If only I could work in a place like this cool!

Flu Bug

I have been struck by the flu bug and am sounding very nasal these days...I knew it was coming on when my throat started to feel like sand paper. I have been one who takes my vitamins diligently and have managed to dodge the bug for some time now. I hate the thought of taking medicine whilst breastfeeding my I try to keep as healthy as possible.

Of late though I must admit that I have been slacking in the vitamins department and am not as disciplined hence the flu bug...

Lesson learnt! From now on I will ensure that I take my vits, eat healthy and drink plenty of juice and a lot of water to detox to ensure that the bug does not have the opportunity to hit...

This morning I started by taking a good dose of fresh apple and orange juice, had hot lemonade with honey as well. I hope I am able to fight this bug without the help of antibiotic which I hate and come out stronger...!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Childhood Memories...

Today I went out for lunch around 12:30 pm and the sun was blistering hot. I told a friend of mine that I like this weather as it reminds me of my childhood when we finish school at 1 pm, buy ice cream and have it melt as we try to finish it quickly...such simple pleasures..

There are so many things that remind me of my childhood and gadgets were not one of them. I grew up in a small town and we were not big on gadgets. We played "police and thief", jumping ropes, hopscotch...stuff like that. We had shaven ice balls with syrup..and this was so nice on a hot day like today.

I wonder what my daughter will remember when she is my age...I did not have parents who were big into piano lessons and art classes or anything like that. We were "free & easy" schedule except school and after that play, homework and TV. I look at my nieces today and see their crazy schedule and I pray that I do not become one of those mothers who are busy sending their children for all sorts of classes.

I want her to enjoy her childhood as how I enjoyed mine. Maybe when she is older I will introduce her to shaven ice with syrup on a hot sunny day. I guess she will have her own kind of games that they play these days...ah well that's the circle of life..

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hotel Life

When I decided that I was going to work in a hotel some 16 years ago, I knew the hours would be long and crazy. At that time I thought that only the operations people would be doing these long crazy hours but I realized very quickly that there is no such thing as 9 to 5.

If I knock off at 5:30 pm at any one day, there are questions like "Wah, going back early ah?" I am not going back early, I am going back on time. Most days we are here until pass 7 pm. When we are in managerial positions, it is expected that we walk the floors and look out for defects or anything that could cause inconvenience to guests.

Doing 12 hour shift daily can be stressful but this is the path that I have chosen and I would not trade it in for another job. I love the environment. I love the food. I love the people. I love the challenges. I love the entertainment. I love the crazy hours.

Some may think that it is glamorous, but it is far from that. We have to work real hard to ensure that we look glamorous for the guests. Wahtever it is, it is enjoyable and rewarding. The choices we make are ours and ours alone. No one should influence us...that's life!

Friday, August 25, 2006


The way the rain was pouring yesterday, we were sure we were going to be hit with another flood. Our hotel is always hit, sometimes just 6 inches, sometimes a foot, highest ever was 5 feet 8 inches and yesterday at 5 feet.

The water yesterday however was strong and even broke the glass door leading to our cafeteria. The double door fridge also fell. We knew we had to vacate the basement real quick as the water was rising fast.

We waited more than an hour before the water resided and continued with cleaning the place up. I am grateful that the spirit of care and share were strong among our staff who all pitched in and cleaned up the hotel's basement and all affected areas.

Of course damage is done but that will not deter us and we will work harder despite these obstacles.

Like always is not a bed of roses, there are bound to be thorns there...that's life

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Expensive Groceries

Today there was an article about inflation in the papers....boy do I agree! I went shopping for groceries over the weekend and had a fairly short list, however the bill came up to almost RM300 and this will last us a family of three plus the maid another two weeks...I did not buy anything extraordinary, just stuff that we eat everyday, but of course a big portion of the bill went to my one year old, baby stuff are expensive but I guess it is a good sacrifice...

I work in a hotel and my meals are taken care by the hotel, I understand that eating out even at the mamak can be an expensive affair. If you do not have at least RM5 in your pocket, do not even bother going out. The term economy rice is no longer economical but at least cheaper than everything else...depending on what you take though!

Somebody I met last week told to me to put aside daily the money that should have been spent for my lunch since my lunch is provided for and use that money to buy something nice for myself...I have yet to do that. I guess I have just taken for granted that my meals are taken care.

I think I have to make an effort to save more now while I can, my child's education is not going to be something cheap and I have to start preparing for that now...I am glad that I have some endowment policies that are maturing soon and that will help me pay for our house thus reducing the re-payment period...

Things are getting expensive and we have to live with it, I guess we have to be smart shoppers...that's for another topic!

But until then, that's life!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Forged Medical Chits

Today I found out that my staff has forged his medical certificate (MC). He has carefully duplicated the clinic's MC and submitted it to us. We flagged his file because for the 3 months that he has worked here, he has got 7 MCs, which is a lot by our standard.

So we played CSI and studied the MC and called the clinic to verify after which we found out that he never visited the clinic on the said date. BINGO! We nailed him.

Why oh why do they do this? Is it so difficult to come to work? Maybe it is! I know we have our bad days and we really do not want to go to work but this is the job that pays our bills and puts food on the table. This is the job that takes care of us when we are really sick. This is the job that helps us in our growth. I guess it is just harder for some to come to work and give their commitment than others. I guess that's life!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Today while waiting for the bus to get to work I saw a homeless guy sleeping at the bus stop, dirty he was but was oblivious to his surrounding...all of us just looked and went on with our lives...

As the bus passed another bus stop, there was another guy sleeping at the bus stop, this being close to 8 am...and at the LRT station near my office, there was one asleep on the escalator that does not work...

3 homeless people, this is a developing nation and we can't do anything for these people or is it by choice that they sleep at the bus stops?? There are suppose to be enforcement officers to look into matters like this...and I sure hope they do..

Today with so much going on around us, we wonder for our safety and our children's much as we want to help, we are worried...

What are we to do..?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's a Mad World

Last week I had to go to KL General Hospital to visit a staff of mine. The story was he got attacked by two guys with parang. He and another friend of his was having supper and they were approached by these two guys and ask them for money. My staff said that he had little and they caught him by his neck and took the parang out and started attacking them. His friend managed to run but he did not and had some gash on his face.

He was lucky though that it could all be fixed with stitches and when I saw him he was in high spirits. I dread to think what would have happened if he were hurt more than that or even killed during this attack. He is young with a bright future ahead of him and has a lot to look forward too...

Everyday we read about things like this in the local papers and it is getting very scary. Everyday you wonder if someone is just behind you ready to attack you.

We worry about the welfare of our children and if they are safe as they go to and from school. I feel sad for the parents who lose their children in such brutal attacks, how do we go on living?

What are these attackers thinking when they do such things? Do they not think of their family members and how they would feel? Do they not feel any remorse? Do they not feel anything??? Our once safe country and now beginning to become as unsafe as many other countries in the world. This is obviously the price we pay for one point we need to move forward but at what expense..?

This is indeed very sad...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Good Life..

My father-in-law called this morning to inform me that my husband's grandma is clinically dead. She was admitted a week ago when she collapsed and went into a coma...the doctor's did not give much hope and ask the family to decide what we should do, however,she seemed to have gotten better and though her eyes were closed, she responded by moving her mouth and hands as well and she always looked like she was asleep.

I think today they will decide to take her off the machines that are keeping her alive as there is no more brain activity. When she collapsed last week, the first thing she said was "Keep the chili, I will come back and make the sambal belacan" typical of her...

Today however I think she will join her maker and be at peace..she will be born to eternal life...

Her life is good and with 6 children, 13 grandchildren, 4 great grand daughters and many nephew and nieces and a host of other relatives, she has indeed been an inspiration to all ... will write more later about her and life in general...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Time Management

This morning I had to wait for my staff...why? Because they were late. They were suppose to be in at 9 am for a training but did not show up on time. In my earlier post, I asked if we are a rude lot and now I am accepting it even more that yes we are rude.

We do not care about how others would feel if we were late. In fact we are always running late and so much so we have something called "Malaysian Time" which we are oh so proud of...

We are a rude lot as we do not practice time management.

I take the time very seriously and I would feel bad if I had to make people wait and would make sure that it does not happen often...I do not say that I perfect but at least I try...some of us don't even try..this is really sad....

I think my blog will be full of instances where we are rude and inconsiderate...

...and how are we suppose to become a developed nation if we can't even tell time correctly..

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Are We Rude?

Sometime last week there was a survey done and it turns out that Kuala Lumpur is the third rudest city in the world...sometimes I wonder if we should agree with this or disagree.

There are many comments that has been made about this and I think I should just quietly give my two sen worth here.

I know that most city folks are inconsiderate and self centered. If you take the train in like me during rush hour you will know how packed the traines can be and all of us just want to get to work! However, even when the train is to the brim, at the door that is, you can still see some good standing room inside but people just refuse to move in further...look at the Japanese, if you take their train during rush hour, everyone is standing almost skin to skin but in our train there are people who can actually read newspaper inside the train while standing and not care about the rest..

The same when we drive, we are not considerate...if we allow others to overtake or if we give way, it is a sign of weakness.....what rubbish!

We are no longer warm, we are self centered! We think only for our selves and we are so caught up in the rat race to get sad that the citizen of this country has come to this...

But I guess that's life in the big city....still no excuse to just accept it, we have to be the one to make the difference and teach our children the same..

When will we start greeting bus drivers or when will the supermarket cashiers say thank you when we check out, or when will we stop thinking that we have to get ahead of everybody else? We are a developing country and we have much to offer but at what cost?

Lets make a difference!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I Miss Her

Yesterday I met my ex-boss for lunch, when I saw her and gave her a hug, I was close to tears! I couldn't believe it but I miss her so much! I knew I would miss her but did not think that I could feel this way...

This is the person who unselfishly shared her knowledge with me and took me under her wings, having the faith in me and allowing me to fly when I was ready..what is there not to love? She is caring, has a great sense of humour, motherly (has four children herself) and best of all, enjoys good food just like me...ha ha ha

I just wish that someday there will be someone who will look up to me as I look up to her, that is a sign of having been a good leader...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Hometown...

I went back to my hometown recently and spent 5 days of doing nothing but eat, eat and eat. I have always been very proud of the food that is available in my humble Batu Pahat...maybe not so humble anymore but still as charming..

My sister (who lives in Germany), my cousin and I had actually planned a eating travel path for our time back home. Though we have been in KL for a long time and love the food here but nothing like the taste of Batu Pahat.

We started with Glutton the name says...its for gluttons like us! Had O-Chien (fried oysters with yam and flour with egg mixed in...),yummmyyyyy, fried carrot cake , fried lobak, grilled stingray with sambal, pork satay....wah I tell you it was the bomb! Washed it all down with fruit juice, must still have something healthy....ha ha ha

The next day we had the best wantan mee in the country, so claimed by everybody from Batu Pahat...located in Jalan Jenang (I think)...wah so shiok one! We also had kampung chicken cooked in herbs for dinner...somewhat like confinement food...memories.....

We took it easy the next day with bubur ayam...also I must say, delicious and what did we have for breakfast, apart from home made bread, we had lontong! The lontong in Johor is served with sambal kacang, nice...

In between we had snacks! Fried goreng pisang and in Johor, it is served with kicap chilli padi, the sweetness from the banana blends so well with the spicy of the chilli padi...explodes in you mouth! Also had apam balik and cream puff from Kim Leng, again the best cream puff inthe delicious.

And to make sure that I bring the taste of Batu Pahat home, I even packed Nasi Briyani...RM4.50 only per pack but so , so sedap (delicious)

If you can see from my writing, I am all mixed up because my mind wants to share all these great food with you.

Until the next great Batu Pahat food adventure!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


up....that is! My GM gave me the position and I didn't have to wait for 6 months like what he had said earlier...I guess he feels I can do the job...feels scary now that I have the position but I think I will get all the right support that I need from people who I know I can depend on...

At the moment we are suppose to be doing the handover but we have taken a break....boy I am going miss my current boss but there is no goodbye as far as we are concerned, being in the same field, we will definitely be in touch....this is one tough act to follow but I guess sometimes, we have to have our own acts as well huh??

will write some more later....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mixed Feelings..

Recently I was offered a job in a hotel that is going to open sometime in July...extra money but same position..also it is part of a international chain..grabbed the offer and after that had an after thought..

I had always wanted to go into Human Resources and if I stay with my current hotel, I may just get that opportunity but have to wait it out a little...if I go, I get to work with a boss whom I totally admire and love, in fact I took the offer at the other place because of her, knowing that I would be soooo comfortable working with her but I decided to stay...

I know my current place had its challenges, having been in operation for over 10 years, there are set ways of doing things and going to a new place would give me a chance to start all a new but I have decided to stay...why, for a simple reason that if I go I may have to put off having another child for a year until the place is more stable...I don't think I can go and get pregnant while everyone is still busy with a new hotel...sound wierd, well...

I am not young and may want to have a sibling for my daughter, if it happens it happens, at least I know that with my current place, should I be blessed with another pregnancy, I will not feel guilty...I guess I would like to put my family over my career...and I think I have done the right thing...just that I feel I have let my current boss who may have been my future boss down (she starts there in June)....we are such good friends and complement each other well...I hope one day I will get the opportunity to work with her again...thank you YSH...if you read this, you know who you are and you understand why I did what I did...

Friday, May 26, 2006

First Birthday

We celebrated my daughter's first birthday last week and the hardest decision was what cake we should get...went to Secret Recipe and had all these wonderful cakes laid out before us..I asked the manager who was so helpful on each and every type and he explained patiently..

I told him he should have a free sample ala Baskin Robbins but he just smiled, another way of saying no I guess...I told hubby, it's her first birthday and she is not going to have any bake so we should get a cake that we will enjoy...he was quite easy about it so I made my choice...Walnut Mocha Cake...what a choice...lovely lovely cake...

Every bite was a mouthful of walnuts and the walnuts were not bitter but quite good actually...and the mocha cream was not overwhelming...just right I must say...I guess as my daughter grows, we will have a cake of her choice but till then it is an excuse for us to have cake...and eat it too!

Friday Evening

It is Friday evening and I really should be home at this time...I think there is a conspiracy, ever noticed how it always starts raining at 5:30 pm when we want to just stay in the office la..

Today the rain continues...with thunder some much for going home what do I do? Enough of work, its never finished anyway, so lets Blog...I think this can get addictive...

Friday evening in the city is already bad, couple that with rain, you can imagine, lucky I take the train in, my husband and I leave the car at a train station just outside the city so we can escape the traffic...all those people who want to get INTO town to party when we want to get OUT of town...irony...

If I go walking around the hotel, I am bound to bump into some one I know and that will delay my departure even more...looks like it is starting to get into a drizzle, maybe I can get to the train station, lucky there are spare umbrella, gotta go...

Hotel Food

One of the comments I always get when I tell people that I work in a hotel is "Oh, you can eat all that nice food la"....well, we can if we wanted to but it is not always free....but that is not the issue...

How much hotel food can one eat? My favourite in the hotel is our cafeteria food...simple and good! Like today, we had grilled chicken chop, creamy mash potatoes and ceaser salad (my favourite)...and some nice banana to wash it all down......

Sometimes we have simple curry or just stir fried vege and steaming rice, quite delicious!

The maids will usually tell us, give us simple vege, hot hot rice and fried chicken with chili padi and we are set! Ah the simple pleasures....

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Yesterday I spoke about how I had difficulty crossing the road thanks to our friendly traffic, I will speak about incomplete projects...

My walk from the train station requires me to cross this busy road (before reaching the intersection that is)..thank God the authorities has put a pedestrian bridge with an escalator...whoo hoo! An escalator, isn't that thoughtful but lo and behold the expensive escalator cannot be used as it never came into everyone has to walk up the is that? Plan an escalator but don't complete it, who suffers...? Again, the very people who needs to cross the roads...and what about those old poeple who cannot walk up the stairs...what happens to them? sad inded...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Traffic Policemen

Most days when I take the train in, I have to walk a good 7 minutes to get to my office but this 7 minutes sometimes becomes 17 minutes, thanks to our traffic policemen.

True to their name, they only take care of traffic and not me and a lot others...when they are on duty at intersections, traffic lights become obselete and so does the green and red man. The traffic policemen do not care about pedestrians but will allow cars and other vehovles to go even when the green man comes on making it ver hard for the what do we do? We dash across the road when there is a chance or dart between the cars when traffic slows down...putting our lives a think that the policemen are suppose to place the citizens out of danger NOT put them in danger! I guess that's life in the big, bad,city....

My First Blog

I have always wanted to do something that involved writing but never did indulge in it seriously but with a blog I guess I can just write away...

This being my first blog, I guess I will keep in simple and sweet....everyone in my office is out for lunch and I usually am done with lunch within 20 minutes and back to my desk to do whatever I have to do...but today I will blog....hmmm...I like the sound of that I will blog...

Someone told me once, why would someone want to blog and let the whole world read but hey I guess it would a great place for opinions as well...right?

Lets publish this and see what happens...real amatuer huh?